TipESM at Ocean Decade Week, Monitoring the Ocean Satelite Event - Improving the Predictability of Climate Tipping Points

8 April 2024, Barcelona, ICM - Institute of Marine Sciences

As part of the Ocean Decade Week, TipESM co-organised the Satellite Event, Monitoring the Ocean. The event brought experts from marine and climate sciences to unpack the importance of monitoring the ocean from satellites to in situ observations for predicting changes in the Earth system and climate. 

The event brought together multiple projects and initiatives alongside TipESM as well as diverse experts ranging from remote sensing, oceanography, to high performance computing.

Improving the Predictability of Climate Tipping Points, ENSO and disease models with an enhance ocean-observing system

Xavier Rodo, from ISGlobal and who is co-leading the TipESM Work Package on Societal and Ecoystem Consequences of Climate Tipping Points represented TipESM as an expert on the panel. 

Linking the TipESM project to ocean monitoring, Xavier connected how the application and use of ocean observations can improve the predictability of climate tipping points and presented ENSO and disease models which make use of this data. 

Watch Xavier's full presentation below:

Download Xavier's presentation from the TipESM Zenodo Community here


The panel was moderated by Cristina González Haro (ICM-CSIC, Teledetect, GHRSST, ICATMAR). The panel included the following talks and experts: 

ESA Earth Observation for Ocean Sciences and Climate by Roberto Sabia (European Space Agency - ESA)

Complementarity of ocean observations (in situ) for monitoring the ocean from the ocean? by Chiara Bearzotti (OCEAN:ICE, ObsSea4Clim, Danish Meteorological Institute)

Improving the predictability of climate tipping points, ENSO prediction and disease models with an enhanced ocean-observing system by Xavier Rodo (ISGlobal, TipESM)

How can supercomputers aid in modeling and what are the current and future challenges of HPC for weather, ocean, and climate, supported by ESiWACE? by Mario Acosta (Barcelona Supercomputing Center - BSC)

Monitoring the ocean, a regional perspective from Catalonia by Jordi Isern Fontanet (ICM-CSIC, ICATMAR)

From Climate Science to Decision-making: how policymakers and final users can benefit from research outcomes by Ana Oliveira (+Atlantic, ObsSea4Clim, GHRSST)

Watch the talks on our playlist here. 

Explore the Exhibition

Following the panel discussion, the Satellite Event concluded with an exhibition on Behind the Scenes from Monitoring the Ocean. 

Check out the Exhibition here.

EU Flag TipESM is funded by the European Union, Horizon Europe Funding Programme for research and innovation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.